Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Girlfriend, Girlfriend!

Are you my friend? Am I your friend? What does being someones friend mean? Being someones friend is a big deal because that means they trust you enough to really let you in so that you can see who they truely are. I believe everyone has atleast one best friend. That one person that you can truely be yourself around and not feel like your every move is being studied or judged. Some people are lucky enough to have multiple best friends. My best friend Jessica and I have been friends for 20 years. That's a long freaking time! I couldn't imagine her not being a part of my life though. But what happens when your best friend starts letting you down? That's the ugly part of friendship that no one wants to talk about. I lost one of my best friends because of a choice that I made, and I kinda sorta ended another friendship recently with someone who had been my friend for over 20 years, but that wasn't because of something I did, it was something she did. Without getting into the details, my point is that sometimes things happen and you loose your friend, or your best friend. What then? Does life go on? Duh! Of course it does! But what happens when you don't loose your friend they just keep letting you down over and over and you aren't sure what you should do? Well, in my opinion, if your best friend is constantly letting you down, hurting your feelings, or whatever it may be, I think it is best to talk about it with this friend. I mean, you are friends right? So this should be like one of the most simpliest  things to do. "You know, Jane, it really hurts me that everytime we make plans to get together and do something, you cancel on me at the last minute with some bullshit excuse." See? That wasn't so hard, was it? But what if you don't want to have this little "talk" with your bestie? You would prefer to sit there with your mouth shut and act like everything is all peachy keen when really you are hurting on the inside. Whatever.  To each his (or her) own, I always say. You think it's ok to sit quietly because you don't want this friend to start hanging out with you again out of pity, which is a possibility I suppose. So it's kind of a tough call I guess. But I think that if you are truely friends with someone that you should be able to talk to them about everything, good or bad. Some friendships are worth "fighting" for. 

(And for the record, I don't have a friend by the name of Jane, incase you were wondering. And no, Jessica hasn't pissed me off, lol)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Awww, Jess! Sorry to hear things are pretty shitty for you right now in the friendship department. I wrote this blog because my moms "best" friend has been completely blowing her off for months and I think it's ridiculous. Lots of little shit I know, but it all adds up. And I'm glad you're working again, that should help to keep you busy, and maybe if someone is lucky they will have a new friend :) But in the meantime, you have me (even though I'm not much -lol) and you have your man Joel, so cheer up huni, we all love you.

  3. Thanks Michelle. That means a lot to me. I'm sorry about your Mom's best friend blowing her off. It is ridiculous. The little shit does add up to the big shit though. Me too. It's nice and it I have been so busy juggling between home and work, but a good busy at that. I'm thankful for our friendship and yes Joel. :)

  4. You are doing such a good job with your blog. I enjoy reading it

    1. Thanks Martha, I'm trying, been slacking a bit lately- I've only done one blog this whole week. HAHA. Gonna do one later though, hopefully!
