Monday, June 18, 2012


Really quick I just wanted to inform you all that 3 out of the 6 Marigolds we planted have sprouted! I know what you're thinking because I said to it too! And yes, yes, it did happen quickly. But we're certainly not complaining about it!

And, as far as the other flowers in the garden go, they seem to be doing just fine. A few dead leaves thanks to the idiot at Home Depot, but doing well nonetheless. I now have two different pink "flowers" in the pot with the Forget-Me-Nots, I still have figured out if they are weeds or really flowers. I swear I should wear a "Dunce" hat while gardening. 

And now, I must rush out front to expand my flower garden. Time to transplant Paiges' sunflower and move the Forget-Me-Nots while I'm at it. Also, I suppose I should make some room for the Marigolds!

Thanks for reading! Have a terrific day!

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Thanks again!

SuperMom out!


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